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A Time for Life

Developing a Pro-Life World View

Because I work with a child with CHARGE syndrome, I have joined the CHARGE list. (To join, follow the link and the ONELIST instructions.) Recently, I came across the following article by a mother of a child with CHARGE syndrome. If we are to be pro-life, we must be ready to recognize the value of each individual life, no matter what problems that person may have.

It is funny how things can effect each family differently.

The AFP test for our family was a blessing. I'll never forget being called from a meeting to receive a phone call from my doctor stating that the AFP indicated our child would be born with Trisomy 18. We had to decide whether or not to terminate. Under no circumstances would we abort. Thank goodness Bruce and I agreed. We even brought Ashley in on the decision. She was five and we discussed how she would feel if her little sister or brother had problems.

The sonograms did not support Trisomy 18, however they knew something was wrong. Later in my pregnancy everything went wrong. Thank goodness the doctors were prepared and had the NICU alerted and standing by when Abby was born. They immediately diagnosed her as having CHARGE and to be honest we were relieved that she had CHARGE and not Trisomy 18. CHARGE gave her a chance to live.

I did not feel well during my pregnancy and it was an effort to keep going due to the polyhydroamniosis. I think knowing early helped us be prepared to begin the fight to keep Abby alive because there was no shock. We had several months to anticipate her birth knowing that she may have problems. I must admit though, nothing prepared us for this complicated syndrome. Unfortunately for Abby she has just about everything.

Along the way, we questioned whether or not we were being selfish to bring a child into this world knowing she might have problems. Bruce was concerned and scared that he couldn't deal with a child that had special needs. I tried to reassure him that when the child is your own that he would love this child the same as he loved and cared for Ashley. Little did he know that he would learn how to change a stomach tube. He can take care of Abby as well as anyone. She certainly loves her Daddy.

I was naive too. I had a degree in elementary education however at the time I graduated teaching jobs were hard to come by and I started working for the Federal government. When in college, I had started to specialize in special Ed when I decided I didn't think I could do it full time. I guess somebody of a higher authority decided my life should go in a different direction.

When we received the results of that AFP test our whole life was changed forever. At that point (16 weeks) we made a total commitment to Abby, that if we brought her into this world we would do whatever it took to help her succeed in this life. Through all the tears, worry, sleepless nights, etc. Ashley and Abby are what make our lives complete. I can't imagine life without my girls.


Pro-Life Links

I have tried to investigate all these links and give you some of the most helpful pro-life links. Be touched and moved to action as you check these out....

Pro-Life Links

American Life League and the Pro-Life Activists Encyclopedia
An excellent resource for involvement in the pro-life movement!

Life Links Home Page
An excellent resource of pro-life information!

Ohio Right to Life
WOW!!!! This page is chock full of information and links.

Other links are on the way. Got a suggestion? e-mail Bob James and let me know. I will check it out!